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Semi-Automated Operations

Liquidity Makers operate with little manual intervention as long as they maintain a sufficient balance of sat on their Lightning Node to open payment channels and keep enough ETH in their Ethereum wallet for transactions.

The DLSP module runs continuously, computing transaction data offchain and transmitting transaction details to the Dapp automatically. The tool assists the Maker in managing operations via Plenny 24/7.

There is no need for opening the channel manually on the Lightning Node when the Liquidity Taker (LT) requests capacity. This task is done by the DLSP module automatically. It is also not necessary to repost the offer after closing a channel as it will remain publicly listed until the maximum sat balance of the offer is reached.

The offer stays valid on the capacity market and enables Liquidity Makers to automatically serve further requests and license capacities to multiple LTs via different payment channels in the Lightning Network. Makers only need to regularly check whether the maximum performance period still matches the cost-benefit ratio.

However, Makers can manually reset the details at any time by updating Royalties, reducing or increasing capacity, and removing and reposting the offer. For instance, profitless channels can be closed manually or automatically depending on the configuration.

For this use case, manual collection is required to get tokens into the user’s wallet. Apart from that, most operational tasks on the capacity market are fully automated. The LM simply needs to monitor current market conditions over the Dapp to adjust Royalties and capacity as needed.

Crypto cash management is carried out by the Liquidity Maker itself. Based on the P2P-principle, users control their wallets themselves, allocate and remove cryptocurrency in bitcoin, ether, and PL2 independently, and set their own transaction fees in sat on their Lightning Nodes.