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APIR Fish Farming

In this context, APIR stands for Annual Percentage Income Return for Fish Farming (FF). The formula refers to daily rewards (e.g. ≈6,500 blocks) to calculate the income return per year (e.g. ≈2,372,500 blocks).

Based on the formulas of the Reward HODL, the formula for Annual Percentage Income Return (APIR) is defined as follows:

APIR-FF = R x D / P - LP x 100

  • APIR-FF  is the annualized income return a Plenny Whaler receives from Fish Farming.
  • R  is the user reward received per day (e.g. reward period is ≈6,500 blocks) converted into USD.
  • D  is the number of days in the current year.
  • PLP  is the amount of LP-tokens that a user stakes on the Dapp converted into USD.

The APIR does not apply compounding to rewards. For clarity, Fish Farming supports LP-token (SLP-PL2) for Plenny (PL2) but does not calculate compounded returns as this is not technically possible. In practical terms, compounding would only be possible if the liquidity token used for staking on the Dapp and the token used for rewards were one and the same. Plenny’s Fish Farming, which interacts with the liquidity mining program on the DEX, does not accrue compounding interest, meaning in traditional financial terms that no compounding Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is paid, and no Annual compounding Percentage Rate (APR) is charged.